CIGRE WANC Governance and Structure

The CIGRE-WA National Committee governance structure consists of the General Assembly and the Management Committee.

The General Assembly consists of all members of the CIGRE-WA. The General Assembly shall be called at least once in each calendar year, on a decision of the Management Committee, by the Secretary-General.
The General Assembly:
- Receives the report of the Management Committee and that of the Auditors;
- Considers and approves, if agreed, the balance sheet and accounts of the CIGRE-W A;
- Elects the President and the Vice-President of the Management Committee;
- Appoints for the ensuing accounting period the Auditors, who must not be members of the Management Committee, or officers or employees of the CIGRE-WA;
- Fixes the annual subscription fees of members.
- Considers and, if agreed, approves modifications of CIGRE-WA Statutes proposed by the Administrative Council;
- Approves the remuneration of the CIGRE-WA permanent staff;
- Nominates the representative of CIGRE-WA to the Board of Directors of CIGRE, and informs the Central Office.
All questions for the General Assembly shall be submitted through the Management Committee before the meeting.
The President of the CIGRE-WA shall preside over the General Assembly. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside over the meeting.
Every member (honorary, collective or individual) may be represented at a General Assembly by any member of the CIGRE-WA, who will debate and vote in the represented member’s name, by means of a written authorization to be submitted to the Secretary-General of the CIGRE-WA.

The Management Committee consists of:
- President, elected by the General Assembly,
- Vice-President, elected by the General Assembly,
- Secretary General, recruited,
- Treasurer, recruited,
- Three (3) other Members (2 collective members and an (1) individual member, elected),
- President of Technical Committee, appointed,
- A representative of the Chairpersons of the Panels, appointed,
- WAPP Secretary General.
The main tasks of the Management Committee are:
- Recruitment of the Secretary-General, Recruitment of the Treasurer,
- Elect the Technical Committee Chairperson,
- Propose changes of the Statutes to the General Assembly, to approve the Rules of Procedure of CIGRE-WA,
- To approve the work program and budget,
- To prepare the strategy for CIGRE-WA,
- To supervise the preparation of the General Assembly,
- Submit to the General Assembly the management report and accounts of the preceding financial period,
- Submit to the General Assembly the remuneration of CIGRE-WA permanent Staff, Designate honorable members of CIGRE-WA.

The Technical Committee is appointed by the Management Committee.
The Chairperson of the Technical Committee will be elected by the Management Committee for a two-year term, renewable once.
The Technical Committee consists of:
- The Chairperson of the Technical Committee;
- The Chairpersons of the Panels;
- The Secretary General of CIGRE-WA or his representative without voting right;
The Secretary of the Technical Committee is designated by his peers from the Chairpersons of the Panel of Experts.
The main duties of the Technical Committee are:
- Coordinating the participation of CIGRE-WA in CIGRE activities (Study Committees, Interventions, Sessions, etc.)
- Drawing up the Technical Committee’s Strategic Plan which will serve as a basis for definition of the Panel’s fields of activity;
- Selecting the presentations/technical papers for CIGRE sessions based on proposals made by the members of the Panels of Experts;
- Proposing to the Management Committee, the disbanding of a Panel, or the creation of a new Panel;
- Developing the preferential subjects and topics for the conferences and events organized by CIGRE-WA;
- Keeping under review the work of the Panels and of the discussion meetings during the conferences and events organized by CIGRE-WA;
- Acquainting itself with particular technical issues of members and ensure that these are adequately addressed;
- Proposing members of Study Committees (Panels) and members of Working Groups of CIGRE, in response to the requests of the Central Office.

The CIGRE-WA Panels of Experts are responsible for the study of all relevant aspects of electric power systems within their scope and for the organization of their discussion meetings during the CIGRE-WA Sessions. They are also in charge of preparing the participation of CIGRE-WA Experts in the CIGRE Study Committee meetings.
The CIGRE-WA Panels of Experts must be composed of only members of CIGRE-WA, appointed by the Technical Committee.
The Panel of Experts’ chairpersons are appointed by the Technical Committee for a term specified in the respective panel terms of reference.