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About CIGRE' West Africa National Committee

Through the creation of the CIGRE West Africa National Committee (CIGRE-WA NC), WAPP member utilities wished to participate in the collaborative global community engaged in the largest knowledge development movement for the creation and sharing of expertise on power systems. Membership in the CIGRE Community enables CIGRE-WA NC members to bring their technical concerns within this organized and proven global framework capable of providing them with safe and reliable solutions.


It should be noted that through CIGRE, thousands of power systems professionals around the world take the time to share their knowledge and experience for the benefit of the power industry. This unique community is supported by a global network of 60 National Committees that have a deep understanding of local conditions in over 90 countries. The activities of the National Committees are carried out via the best local talents in more than 250 working groups participating in CIGRE’s global knowledge program.


The West Africa National Committee (WANC) includes Benin, Burkina Faso, Capo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinee, Guinee-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.


This broad geographical distribution, combined with a variety of senior experts, experienced practitioners and young professionals, enables CIGRE to offer the most diverse range of power systems perspectives and experience available in any organization. CIGRE’s community of professionals donates its time and energy with a genuine desire to support, share and develop technical expertise, while ensuring that the knowledge needed to address power system challenges is accessible to all.

CIGRE West Africa National Committee
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